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    Annual Report 2009
    (Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, 2010)
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    Innovating Climate Information Products (CIPs) in Sri Lanka: DOM’s Efforts to Improve the Existing CIPs
    (2016-06-21) Jayawardena, Shiromani
    The Workshop was a part of an action research programme to identify and pilot test replicable Integrated Climate Information Management System (ICIMS) for vulnerable farming communities in Sri Lanka with potential applications in other developing regions
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    Quarterly report 2012: 3
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    Quarterly report 2016: 4
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    An empirical investigation of labor shortage in the manufacturing sector in Sri Lanka
    (2017) Ranasinghe, Athula; Madirawala, Sunimalee
    Using a countrywide sample survey of enterprises, this study finds empirical evidence that the manufacturing sector in Sri Lanka is facing a serious labor shortage problem. Extent of labor shortage is measured in terms of presence of unfilled vacancies, longevity of vacancies and relative size of unfilled vacancies. This study explores locational variation and firm level variation of labor shortage and found that firm level variation is much wider than locational variation. While locational characteristics explain only 7 to 15 percent of the variation of labor shortage, firm characteristics explain 18 to 27 percent of the variation of labor shortage. Among locational characteristics, firms located in Western province showed greater extend of labor shortage. Among firm characteristics - labor turnover rate, exporting firms and firms with innovative product were more important in explaining the variation of labor shortage. These three variables alone explain over 10 percent of the variation of the extent of labor shortage. High incidence of labor shortage was observed with very high youth unemployment, lower labor force participation and very high labor turnover rates. Among the policies recommended to overcome labor shortage problem, shifting firms to provinces with high youth unemployment rates, measures to increase labor retention rates and policies to increase labor force participation rates are important. Macro policies to encourage shifting of firms to remote provinces is needed for sustainability of such efforts.
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    Economic Challenges of Post Tsunami Reconstruction: Sri Lanka Country Study
    (Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, 2007-01) Jayasuriya, Sisira; Weerakoon, Dushni; Arunatilake, Nisha; Steele, Paul
    The aim of this study is to contribute to the discussions and debates on appropriate policies for the medium term reconstruction effort by providing an analysis of some of the priority issues emerging from Sri Lanka’s own experience of the posttsunami reconstruction and rehabilitation phase. To this end, the study also involved a survey of affected households in an attempt to obtain a broader understanding of the perceptions of the recovery process from the grass-root level.
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    Vertical Integration of Industries in South Asia
    (2013-12-06) De Mel, Deshal; Jayaratne, Suwendrani
    In this study authors examine the prospects for vertical integration of industries in South Asia. Authors begin with a literature review and an overview of existing intra-industry trade in South Asia. Based on the existing intra-industry trade study examines sectors where there has been some intra-industry trade in more detail in the form of case studies. The two initial sectors are garments and textiles and the automobiles sector. It was also found that there is relatively high levels of intra-industry trade between India-Sri Lanka, possibly due to the impacts of the bilateral Free Trade Agreement these countries are party to. These three case studies provide greater insights into the opportunities and challenges to industrial integration in South Asia. Authors then draw on lessons from other regional bodies that have seen greater success in invigorating the trade-investment nexus, with particular reference to ASEAN. Finally, the lessons from international experiences and experiences within South Asia will be combined to draw clear policy prescriptions that could be engaged in to enhance the trade-investment nexus in South Asia.
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    Value Chain Development in Conflict-Affected Environments: Analysis of the Fisheries Sector in Sri Lanka
    (2013-09-03) Thibbotuwawa, Manoj; Marawila, Dilhani; Gunawardena, Asha; Samaratunga, Parakrama; Senaratne, Athula; Arunatilake, Nisha
    The study attempts to address the basic research question of how can value chain analysis and the value chain framework help us identify and understand the major opportunities for upgrading and the driving constraints to market growth of fisheries sector affected by the aforementioned conflicts. This study employs a modification to the standard value chain analysis, in the form of value chain - conflict dimension matrix which enables identifying which stages of the value chain are affected by which dimension of conflict, and how. Further analysis of the opportunities and constraints against various dimensions of conflicts yielded case specific implications of the conflict-value chain interactions.
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    Impact of Trade on Employment
    (2018) Arunatilake, Nisha